Real Estate and Construction Company

Real Estate and Construction companies face a unique set of challenges and opportunities that require specialized knowledge and expertise. At TPS, we have the expertise and knowledge necessary to help our clients navigate these challenges and seize new opportunities.


As a real estate and construction company, you may be facing challenges such as difficulty in managing financial records, tax compliance issues, and inefficient internal control systems. TPS can help you address these challenges and provide customized solutions to meet your specific needs.

Real estate and construction companies face a variety of challenges such as the need to manage large and complex projects, regulatory compliance, and financial management. In addition, there is a high level of competition in the industry, making it challenging for companies to stay ahead of the curve.

TPS can help you address these challenges by providing a range of services including financial accounting services, business and management consultancy, internal control system set up, tax management services, feasibility and market survey assignments, and more. Our experienced professionals have a deep understanding of the real estate and construction industry and can provide you with customized solutions to help you achieve your goals.

Why Choose us

At TPS, we are committed to helping our clients and our people excel. Our team of professionals has extensive experience in providing high-quality services to clients across various industries, including real estate and construction. We are dedicated to understanding our clients’ needs and providing tailored solutions that help them achieve their objectives.

In addition, our firm is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and is compliant with all relevant regulatory requirements. This means that you can trust us to provide you with high-quality services that meet industry standards.

TPS can help your real estate and construction company address its financial management, tax compliance, and regulatory challenges. Our experienced team of professionals will work closely with you to understand your needs and provide customized solutions that help you achieve your objectives. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business excel.